The Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training has issued Prakas 303/20 on Minimum Wage for the Garment, Textile and Footwear Manufacturing (“GTF”) sectors in 2021 dated 10 September 2020 (“Prakas 303”).
Prakas 303 sets out the new minimum wage for the GTF sectors in 2021 is USD 187 per month during probation and USD 192 per month after probation for regular full-time employees. This new minimum wage is applicable from 1 January 2021. The current minimum wage for the GTF sectors in 2020 is USD 185 per month during probation and USD 190 per month after probation for regular full-time employees, according to Prakas 389/19 on Minimum Wage for the GTF sectors in 2020 dated 20 September 2019.
Please note that according to the Law on Minimum Wage 2018 and the Labour Law 1997, wages must be at least equal to the minimum wage determined by the Prakas of the Ministry in charge of Labour. In Cambodia, there is no minimum wage for other sectors outside of the GTF sectors yet. Therefore, the above minimum wage is applicable to employees in the GTF sectors and it does not apply for sectors outside of the GTF sectors.